Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Product!

As some of you know, I've been trying to sell my wares on Etsy.com for a few months now. One kind friend in the great state of Texas, bought a famster after spying it there. I'm really puzzled about HOW to get folks to buy. Numerous friends and acquaintances (and total strangers) told me to "put my famsters on etsy and they'll sell like hotcakes!" Not so. I've read "tips for selling", spoken to successful sellers, etc, but alas - nothing. I'll keep plugging away at it though. Another friend of mine had her stuff on etsy and it took months for folks to notice her.

Selling is my toughtest job.

I LOVE creating things though and here is the latest little critter born into the famster family. Her name is Serena and she's actually a new species - a Sleepster! She's smaller than her older brothers and sisters and smells much better (because she has lots of lavender and chamomile inside). She's perfect for tucking under your pillow or sitting right on top. Hopefully, I'll have lots more ready for First Friday - next week - February 6th.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Mmmm Chocolate!

This is the subject of my next series of paintings! Some of you may recall that last February I created three sequential paintings of a decadent chocolate tart. (If you arrived at this blog through my website, you may have viewed them on the "artwork" page.) This year I'm making my valentine "triptych" an entire cake. I'm using a vivid blue upholstery as the background. I love the fabric and I love the cake, so they've got a lot going for them. The first painting was begun today - and its looking deelish. Wafts of chocolate can be a stimulating source for brush strokes! If you come to First Friday (Feb. 6) - hint, hint - you'll see all three finished in their gooey glory.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Burdens Lifting

I delivered one commision piece today - and that felt good! I'm close to finishing another - and it feels great! One of these has been looming over my head since the summer. Its my own fault that its taken so long. I started it and it was looking pretty hoaky, so I had to start it again. Which meant taking the old canvas off and re-stretching a new canvas and coating it with gesso. Its funny how I like the stretching and prepping process. Tomorrow I get to stretch and prep four - mindless work, but fun nonetheless. Its the kind of satisfaction you get when you mow the grass - visible progress.

Here's the one piece that almost done - just a few more hours...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I Saw the Sign

These spray painted red tennis shoes have been hanging on this power line since I moved into the Flatiron Studios last July. Who knows how long they were dangling before that. In my naive world, I didn't know the meaning of such a sight until a few years ago. Two drug deals have been spotted under their watch. We've just installed a tiny camera in the left "sneaker" - soon we'll catch every drug dealer in West Greenville. (Ha, ha - just wishful thinking).

Our little part of town is slowly changing for the better! Frank and Faye are busy getting their little sandwich shop remodeled and I've just heard that the old Tucker's Soda Shop is being transformed into an organic coffee shop. Wow - I can't wait until THAT happens. Zolie and I will faithfully make a morning trek! I hope they allow organic dogs inside!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Mining in West Greenville

Working in West Greenville is sometimes like entering another universe. Its hard to believe that only six or seven blocks away is a safe little Starbucks. But I would never walk those seven blocks because of what lies between. We see many of the same characters every day walking past our front windows. The warm months bring more traffic, but there is a surprising amount even on this gray, cold, pre-snow day.

This picture was taken today on my afternoon walk today with Zolie. Someone has been mining for copper in the air conditioning unit behind the Shoeless Joe Jackson bar. Desperate times call for desperate measures!

I wonder how much they got?

Monday, January 12, 2009

Famster Skins

You know this facebook/blogging/etsy/website stuff seems to be an exercise in self-absorbtion. As a business woman I know I've got to "market" myself, but somehow it just doesn't feel comfortable. The word MUST get out that I'm painting and making famsters and making other things, etc. But doesn't it all seem futile at times? Okay - maybe I'm thinking too much.

For the past few days I've been steadily working on my new "valetine" famsters. Here's a pic of the skins ready to fattened up with polyfil.

This weekend I took a basket full of famsters to Asheville for their debut. They're now just waiting to be taken home from the Organic Sleep Spot store. Another experiment in the famster saga! I'm going to check on them this Friday - keep your fingers crossed that they're all adopted.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Mug Shots

I have some the most creative friends! Last week, as I rushed to get this series of paintings done by First Friday, Suzanne and Deb came to the rescue with a title for my series - mug shots. Here are my eight little dainties. (All for sale - hint, hint - just ask...)

DO YOU HAVE A FAVORITE MUG OR TEA CUP? I'd be more than happy to immortalize it in oil for a small fee. (Another fabulous deal that I can't claim as my own.) Seriously - I'm serious!

If you're local and would like to check these out in real life, visit Barb Blair's booth at Antiques on Augusta in Lewis Plaza. Thanks Miss Barb!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Making of the Valentines

I've begun "production" of 15 new valentine famsters. They're oozing with affection and they don't even have eyes or ears yet. Here's a pic from earlier today. I'll show more progress tomorrow.

Monday, January 5, 2009

taking another stab at etsy

I just spent WAY too much time on etsy.com, adding two famsters for public sale. Yep - get them while you can folks! Today I started working on my new line of valentine famsters and I think they're going to be quite tantalizing. I'll show a pic tomorrow.

Teresa Roche, one of my fabulous Flatiron Studio mates, confiscated my 8 new "mug shot" paintings to feature on her blog. I should get them back home shortly and will post them here for the world to behold.

Last month I created this painting of pears in a bowl. My witty friend, Suzanne Vitti, came up with the creative title, "Pearis Mountain". For those of you who aren't from these parts, its a play on words. The small peak that lives in Travelers Rest is named Paris Mountain. Ha, ha! If you're interested in purchasing, just say the word and I'll come typing...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Blog, blog, blog

Here's an extra-special guest to my studio this past weekend - Deb Potter of Merciful Hearts Farm. Deb listens to my woes, spins fiber (from her own sheep and goats) and makes delectable ham and bean soup - now that's what I call multitasking!

I'm extremely skeptical about blogging and have been told that it will help people connect to my work and then maybe they'll buy my work and then maybe I'll be able to pay my rent. So - since things are quite dire at the moment - I'm forced to blog. Maybe I'll end up liking it in the end.

Another fabulous friend, Frank, is enjoying multiple conversations with his little famster buddies. I can't believe he monopolized them all evening and no one else got a chance to get to know them!

The business of making art is NOT going well. Please forgive my blunt honesty, but I've never been very good a covering my feelings. This weekend was "First Friday" and I sold a less than $100 worth of art. Neither of my two weekend patrons were from Greenville. (Stepping on my soap box...) Okay folks, if you want Greenville to be one of the country's top 100 small art towns - you're going to have to support local artists. (Stepping off my soap box...)

Monday brings another attempt to sell paintings, famsters, or something else. This is a tough nut to crack!