Sunday, February 8, 2009

Fabu Fire-eater Tim!

If you missed First Friday at the Flatiron Studios, here's a shot of the folks who were dazzled by Fire-eater Tim's fabulous show. I was so mezmorized, that the thought of getting my camera never entered my head. His show lasted about 15 minutes and was grand. My favorite part was the faces of folks driving by and having no idea what was going on. He not only swallowed fire, but he blew it, slung it, twirled it, and teased it. Who knows how we'll EVER top that!

Thanks to all who came out and enjoyed the evening - we loved having you!


Teresa Roche said...

I am looking for a marching band for next month.

Jodi said...

It was definitely a fun time, but with all of us crazies around, who knows what might happen next!